Custom Scrapbook Cutouts with PERSONALITY!


Scrappykins cutouts can be customized to look like you did on prom night!

These examples show actual photos of prom dresses, and what their Scrappykins counterparts look like. With a photo or two of you in your prom dress, and how your hair looked, etc., we can customize a Scrappykin.

Send us an e-mail with photo, and we'll be happy to customize your Scrappykin exactly for YOU!

Little Scrappykins cutouts for your scrapbook prom pages! And, she's dressed just like you were!

Accessorized with bling-bling jewelry, sparkles on gown, and flowers in her hair. Sparkly dress, jewelry and wrap. Sparkly dress, bling-bling jewelry, and wrist corsage. Matching jewelry and dress ties with sash, just like in the photo.
Sparkly dress, wrap, and sequined top